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找字游戏 - 小学

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  • 学单字?没问题。

  • 可是得辨认相似的字(不同部首,一样偏旁),选出对的字来拼成词语时,就混淆了。例如:"快恬" 还是"快活"?

  • 怎么办呢?死背吗?枯燥乏味。

  • 玩找字游戏吧!重复地一边参看,一边想着,词就烙印在脑海了!

  • Each character 字 is drawn from 2-3 chapters of Singapore primary school Chinese textbook《欢乐伙伴》.

  • Pick a word search. Start hunting now!  

Primary 1 Normal/Higher Chinese

Primary 2 Normal/Higher Chinese

Primary 3 Normal/Higher Chinese

Primary 4 Normal/Higher Chinese

Primary 5 Normal/Higher Chinese

Primary 6 Normal/Higher Chinese

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