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填字游戏 - 小学

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  • 死记硬背、做练习题、上补习课不是学华语的唯一途径。

  • 沉闷乏味的学习过程最终只会成为绊脚石。

  • 玩游戏,学华语,轻松又有趣 。

  • 快来玩填字游戏! Play Chinese Crossword Puzzle now!

  • Each character is drawn from 2-3 chapters of the textbook《欢乐伙伴》.

  • Pick a puzzle. Start solving now!  

Primary 1 Normal/Higher Chinese

Primary 2 Normal/Higher Chinese

Primary 3 Normal/Higher Chinese

Primary 4 Normal/Higher Chinese

Primary 5 Normal/Higher Chinese

Primary 6 Normal/Higher Chinese

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